Tips to do Absolute Best In Exams

Tips to do Absolute Best In Exams

We all want to give our very best when it comes to the exams, therefore, make sure we study hard. However, sometimes, you need more than just studying aimlessly to ensure you do your very best. In this article, we will give you tips on how you can do just that, read ahead. 

The Absolute preparation tips for the exam

The simple tip is to make your foundation strong, which is only possible when you start preparation from day one. This will help to study the best way and the chapters that you read will stay in your mind for a long time. Remember, last moment preparation is always a mess even if you devote long hours to studying.

Revision Is Must 

Even though you might know the subject very well, but without daily revision, it is very difficult to remember. Make it a point to revise and review all the important points. Revise the multiple-choice questions and the important questions given in the NCERT solutions. Go through the question and answers thoroughly.

Solving on the sample question papers.

It is always better to get an idea of the exam pattern. It will help you with the perfect preparation where you solve the sample papers and answer the questions according to the marks against each question.

By solving the paper, you can be familiar with writing both long and short answers. It is very important you must write the answers similar to the format and the number of words, and this will help you out. You can also compare the answers with NCERT solutions to know your progress level and rectify the minute mistakes.

Essay and paragraph writing

  • Revise the topics for essays and keep an outline in your mind connected to the topic as it will make it easy and save your time.
  • Revise the question and answers, and know the words and the sentences used. Summarising the chapters will make you write answers more efficiently.
  • Revise the Grammar topics for English and Hindi and understand the rules you must follow in your answers as it will help you score well.
  • Revise the formulas, problems, and complex terms in mathematics and science. Also, keep in mind to memorize the chemical equations and diagrams too. 
  • When it comes to social science, this subject requires you to remember all the important dates and events. Revise all the answers from the exercises and the NCERT solutions. The long answers can be read once as a story to ensure you remember the chronology of the events and remember easily.

Before the Exam

Once you have reviewed all the subjects, you would be confident about the exams. Now it’s time to be calm and stress-free. Just a day before the exam, give a quick revision of the subject which you are appearing for.

Proper sleep

Have a night of proper sleep and rest before the exam, so, that you will wake up fresh. Have a proper breakfast and be early for the exam. Make sure not to discuss anything about the subject with your friends before the exam as it can confuse you. 

Keeping your Mindset Positive

Sometimes, it is obvious where negative thinking comes to mind. No matter how many negative thoughts trigger in your mind, don’t give way to it. Instead, positively overcome the negative thoughts. It will increase your confidence and it will be very easy to answer the questions. Remember, confidence is the key. Be confident of your preparation and the efforts you have put. Everything will be in vain if you think negatively.

Last-minute revision

 Make sure to have a last-minute revision so that the topics stay fresh in your mind. It will also boost your confidence level and will ensure you are ready to answer any questions.

Some more Important tips for the exam preparation

  1. When the exam dates are nearing review more multiple-choice questions and the short answers as you tend to forget the small ones.
  2. Brush up on the formulas and the terms, which you would have memorized.
  3. Revise calmly without taking any stress.
  4. Set your goals.
  5. Keep your study area organized while studying.
  6. Keep all the distractions away while studying.
  7. Don’t keep revising the same thing several times.
  8. Give breaks in between.
  9. Be confident and positive.
  10. Be sure about your preparation and the study strategy.
  11. Don’t learn any new things or try any new tactics.

Day of the Exam

It is common for students to go through some kind of anxiety or negativity. But, the trick is to remain positive. Yes, it is easier said than done, but you have completed all your preparation. So, there is no point in dwelling in what-ifs. Therefore, relax and make sure you have a good day and give your exam with total confidence. 

Aforementioned, it is common to talk and discuss the exam subject with your friends. But refrain from doing so as it can increase your anxiety and create confusion in your mind.

Check your stationery before entering for the exam. Don’t bother what others are doing and do not turn back if you hear any kind of sound. Go through the question paper thoroughly and start answering the ones you can easily do. Keep track of the time while answering the question paper. If you get stuck with any question don’t just keep thinking about the same and waste your time. Go ahead and answer the rest and come back once you have finished. Close your eyes and think about the question that you are unable to answer. Try to remember from the start of that particular chapter. Don’t panic. If you panic you cannot remember anything.

Once you have completed the paper don’t be in a hurry to rush out. Revise your answer sheet thoroughly. If you come across any mistake or if you have left out any answer, calmly write it down.

Finally, keeping yourself calm is imperative. Keep a positive outlook. Revise whatever you have studied and focus more on the portions that you find difficult. Remove all the distractions while studying and don’t take the stress.

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