Common types of car collision damages that are worth knowing

Common types of car collision damages that are worth knowing

Automobile accidents are quite common. If you drive a car, the chances are that it must have collided at least once in your lifetime with the other vehicle and got hurt. Or, you may have witnessed it as a passenger. Usually, a large number of collisions tend to be low intensity in nature, leaving your car with minor scars. However, it doesn’t mean nothing else can occur ever in the future. Hence, it is essential to learn about the most common types of car damages that can happen in such accidents.

Most commonly affected car parts in accidents

Front bumper

You would notice that most of the collision cases involve rear-ending accidents, where the front bumper always remains at a higher risk. Or, you can hit an icy snowbank due to which the fiberglass or plastic bumper cover can crack. The crack will not stay as it is. With time, it can become bigger. So, before it grows significantly in shape and size, get it checked at a reputable collision center, such as Car Source Collision Repair in Maryland, and fix the issue.


Other most vulnerable parts are the headlights. On either side of the front end, the lights in their rigid plastic body take hits most of the time. Since these play a critical role, particularly when it comes to visibility in the darkness, you cannot afford to delay their repairing.

Car grille

Almost 20% of car accident cases prove that grille can be another critical component that remains at a high risk of damage. However, as grille acts as a protective shield for your car when you turn it in anticipation to avoid an impact, you should not delay its repair if it gets broken or damaged.


The tires usually form about 15% of damages when it comes to a car collision. Since they occupy four corners of the vehicle, one of them will have to take a beating regardless of the direction of the impact. Besides, potholes, nails, road debris, and other such elements can also affect their structure. So, yes, you would have to keep an eye on them even in such situations.

These are only a few examples. Sometimes, damages can be significant. Something can go wrong with brakes or safety gear. Or, there can be some challenges with the battery. So, instead of assuming anything, you should take your car to a repairing center immediately after an accident for its full inspection. The licensed professionals will inform you about the nature and extent of the damage and what they can do to fix them.

If you feel the charges are high, you can look for some other trusted collision center for help. But make sure you don’t postpone its repairing work just because you believe it is expensive. Your insurance carrier will most likely cover the damage even if it is costly. So, don’t make any hasty decisions without weighing your option from every angle. If the repairing center is well-known, you can repose your faith in it to serve your best interest.

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